Friday 31 October 2014

Winter Sale on Binoculars!

It seems crazy to think it's November tomorrow yet parts of Kent have reached 23° today - officially the hottest Halloween on record. None-the-less, in keeping with this time of year, we have started our 'winter sale' on binoculars. As a small business, we appreciate all the orders we receive as each one really counts, but it's tough to compete against the likes of Amazon. We endeavour to offer exceptional service, coupled with great prices, often same day despatch and next day delivery. Do check us out if you're looking to buy for yourself or, seeing as it's less than 8 weeks away, a Christmas pressie for someone else.

The last week has been quiet for birds - now the clocks have gone back it's getting dark by the time we leave at 5pm. A pair of Kestrels were here yesterday after dark, briefly inspecting the church where they nested this year and previous years. There are many Pied Wagtails about, the Grey is becoming less frequent however. Today's blue skies brought about a few Buzzards, though that is now not an uncommon sight! A group of 4 (not 100% sure about this) Skylarks went over this morning, the photos weren't great and certainly not worth sharing. Late afternoon brought a large flock of Lapwing flying over too. There are still a few Butterflies around, namely Small Tortoiseshells and Red Admirals, a photo of the former below, taken on the 30th October basking in the afternoon sun.

 Don't forget Autumnwatch is on BBC2 at the minute, another great series, certainly worth watching.

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