This morning brought about our third ever sighting of a Peregrine, just a 30 second view as it passed over the car park on its way to the coast. The Treecreeper(s) are still visiting most days and up to 5 Bullfinches are still spending much of the day in the flowering Cherry tree.
Treecreeper |
Male Bullfinch |
Goldcrests are also quite regular at the minute though proving difficult to photograph! The Nature Area is very busy with Goldfinches, Greenfinches & Chaffinches, the female Brambling was also back again on the morning of the 11th for a brief spell. There are at least 4 Robins and as many Blackbirds searching for food and fighting for territory, the Wren is showing very nicely at the minute too, searching for food in all the little nooks and crannies under the rocks and logs around the pond. I spent a while yesterday morning putting in a new 'tripod' of logs to hang more feeders on and also tidied up around the pond, probably disturbing a few grubs in the process for the Wrens, Robins and Blackbirds to find.
Robin on the 'Red Kite Perch' - not that we've ever had a Red Kite on there... |
Female Blackbird having a go at the Squirrel Buster |
Goldfinch |
Wren with a tiny grub |
Back in the shop we have taken delivery of the full complement of Vanguard binoculars, available to try out and purchase in store or buy online:
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