Every February for the past few years we have visiting Treecreepers to the area outside the shop and low and behold they have turned up again. Late in January we spotted one high up in the oak tree in the car park (the first sighting in months), then yesterday one with a ring on turned up on the wall outside the shop. Though I couldn't get the ring number, we've only ever had one ringed here (2 years ago) so it's almost certainly the same bird, though there have been more ringed within the village a few miles away. Today, what we initially presumed was the same bird arrived again, spending the best part of the early afternoon in between the shrubs and the wall outside, though we soon realised this bird didn't have a ring, confirming we have at least 2 of these beauties visiting.
30/01/15 |
Ringed Bird - 03/02/15 |
04/02/15 |
04/02/15 |
04/02/15 |
The Long-tailed Tits are also visiting regularly as are the Bullfinches, which are spending most of their time on the flowering cherry. The latter is quite a unusual bird for us here, though it's certainly a good time of year to spot them.
We often get Buzzards here as they breed in the woods of the house up the road, though most of the time we spot them high up in the thermals. On the 29th January I spotted one in the far field in front of the hide, not the usual 'mewing' call but rather a different call that I have heard in the past. This bird was searching for insects on the ground, occasionally picking up before coming back down again. A bit far away for decent shots but still interesting to watch!
Finally a couple more notable sightings, both on the 27th January, a Red Admiral butterfly on the roof and a Blue Tit with an elongated lower mandible in the Nature Area.
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